
Understand the market. Understand the market.

  • Market Research
    Research and report on U.S. market opportunities.
  • Product/Market Fit
    Advise on which products in your portfolio help satisfy the needs of which market segments.
  • Business Planning
    Comprehensive planning on how effective expansion into the U.S. marketplace works.
  • Licensing
    Managing the legal compliance requirements for distributing your product.
  • Compliance
    Meet all essential product requirements in the form of directives, regulations, certifications, and harmonized standards for a product in the USA.

Adapt your brand. Adapt your brand.

  • Localization Services
    Shaping your product to the cultural sensibilities of the American consumer, including messaging, packaging, and product experience.
  • Product Branding
    Development of a new brand for the American audience.
  • Marketing Planning
    Comprehensive marketing strategy, including product positioning and communications tactics.

Market and distribute your product. Market and distribute your product.

  • Direct Hub for U.S. Export
    Finding the most cost-effective method of getting your product into the United States.
  • Government and Corporate Sales
    Finding buyers for your product within federal, state and local governments and with major U.S. companies.

Establish your presence. Establish your presence.

  • Establishing U.S.-based Operations
    Acting as an agent for your company to establish a U.S. base of operations to unlock more business opportunities.
  • Recruiting
    Finding the best personnel in the industry to manage business operations from inception to business stabilization.
  • Development
    Sales, marketing, project management, and vendor management.
  • Strategies
    Networking, negotiations, partnerships, cost-saving and profit maximizing.

Kickstart your creation. Kickstart your creation.

  • Investment
    Identifying sources of funding investment funds in early-stage startups in connection with top technology and design universities.
  • Commercialization
    Bringing your technology or products to the market.
  • Network
    Connecting you to the proven industry leaders that can help turn your ideas into reality.


We bring a personal touch to every client project. Building relationships that last and creating tailored marketing solutions to help them reach their sales goals.



I would definitely recommend Luceque to anyone who wants to boost sales performance. Our company’s overall sales were on a downward trend during Covid-19. However, things changed when my business partners introduced me to Luceque. Luceque provided new market opportunities in the US by connecting us with great buyers. We were able to sustain growth in difficult times when the world shut down during the pandemic.

The great market performance in the US led us to even more opportunities, we were able to connect with the Red Cross for additional large orders. Thanks to Luceque, we became a driving force not only to enter the US market but to develop various products to expand our business.

We have been working so hard to export to the US for the past 5 years, but we were still stuck in a rut. Ever since Luceque helped us gain a good reputation, it became very easy to develop new markets. We were able to establish trustworthiness from our orders with the US government procurement agencies through Luceque. I am really happy to have expanded our presence in the US and it became one of my biggest buyers!

I take a lot of pride in our product and am confident with our technology, but we didn’t know how to get it to the US consumers.

Luceque guided us on regulation and certification requirements; and helped us with rebranding and repacking that tailored to the US local market. We were finally able to establish legitimacy to get meetings with buyers.

Most of all, we were glad we can get our product to market because we know our product can make a difference in people’s lives.